Soils ‘policy’ is determined by a wide variety of organisation, not limited to national and devolved governments and the various enforcement agencies. Land management is also driven by research and recommendations by NGOs, farming groups, businesses and scientists – calls to action which aim to influence government policy and farmer behaviour and the role of numerous organisation in-between.
The following is a collection of the most authoritative and influential, categorised according to the organisation responsible.
Anything to add: if there are relevant pieces of literature missing from this library, please contact us with any suggestions at
Independent Assessment of UK Climate Risk
Climate Change Committee
Advice to government for the UK’s third Climate Change Risk Assessment. Risks to soil health is identified as one of the 8 highest priorities.
Sustainable Farming Initiative (SFI)
One of three new schemes making up the post-Brexit Environment Land Management scheme (ELM).
The Water Resources (Control of Agricultural Pollution) (Wales) Regulations
Welsh Government
Regulations aimed at protecting water quality by controlling agricultural pollution.
Environmental Land Management Schemes: Overview
Explains what the Sustainable Farming Incentive, Local Nature Recovery and Landscape Recovery schemes are, and how you can get involved.
Agriculture Bill
Soil is an essential natural asset and its careful management can help to provide a whole range of public goods. Soil is specifically named so we can provide financial assistance to farmers for protecting or improving its quality.
Advice on the 25 Year Environment Plan and Progress Reports
Natural Capital Committee
Advising the government on the implementation of the 25 YEP; including the development of suitable metrics to be used to track progress against the Plan’s objectives.
Sustainable Farming and our Land: simplifying agricultural support
Welsh Government
This consultation will provide a framework to support the competitiveness of farming and food production and respond to the climate emergency ahead of the planned introduction of an Agriculture (Wales) Bill.
Agriculture (Wales) White Paper
Welsh Government
The White Paper sets out the Welsh Government's intentions for primary legislation and provides the basis of the Agriculture (Wales) Bill.
Guide to Cross Compliance in England 2020
Clean Air Strategy
UK Government
Government must act to tackle air pollution which shortens lives. Air pollution is a result of the way we currently generate power, heat homes, produce food, manufacture consumer goods & power transport.
Future Farming: Changes to Farming in England
Farming is changing: here’s what you need to know. This leaflet sets out the intended changes to English agricultural policy as the UK leaves the EU.
Advice on Soil Management
Natural Capital Committee
State of the UK’s soils, measures in place to protect them, steps to improve their condition, and how changes can be evaluated. Recommendations for protecting and improving soil natural capital.
Sustaining the Soil Microbiome
Parliamentary Office of Science & Tech.
Communities of microorganisms in soils underpin natural processes in soil habitats. This note gives an overview of benefits provided by & ways of assessing the soil microbiome, and measures to improve its condition.
Sustainable Seas Report
Environmental Audit Committee
As much as 40% of the world’s oceans are heavily affected by human activities. Climate change, overfishing and pollution are the three greatest threats to the ocean.
Draft Environment (Principles & Governance) Bill
The draft sets out how environmental standards will be maintained as England leaves the EU and builds on the vision of the 25 YEP.
Code of Practice for the Sustainable Use of Soils on Construction Sites
Some of the most significant impacts on soils occur as a result of construction activity, yet it appears there is a lack of awareness and understanding within the industry.
UK Progress on Reducing Nitrate Pollution
Environmental Audit Committee
High levels of nitrates in water cause oxygen depletion which is harmful to humans & biodiversity.
The Government's 25 Year Plan for the Environment
Environmental Audit Committee
The 25 YEP lacks details of how objectives will be achieved. Legislation is required to implement key proposals & ensure lasting impact.
Health & Harmony: the future for food, farming & the environment in a Green Brexit
Leaving the EU provides a once-in-a-generation opportunity to reform agriculture… so as better to promote health and harmony.
Stability and Simplicity: proposals for a rural funding transition period
Scottish Government
This consultation forms part of the civic conversation being led by the National Council of Rural Advisors, to start the debate on a comprehensive new approach to supporting the rural economy to achieve world class agricultural and environmental outcomes.
Sustainable Agricultural Land Management Strategy
The report follows a recommendation by the Agri Food Strategy Board in ‘Going for Growth’ that a strategic land management policy should be developed.
NI Future Agricultural Policy Framework Consultation
The Department is engaging with the wider farming, food and environmental sectors on a possible future agricultural policy framework for Northern Ireland.
The Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) Regulations (Northern Ireland)
UK Parliament
The European Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) has been transposed into Northern Ireland regulations through The Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2017.
Environment (Wales) Act
Welsh Government
To promote sustainable management of natural resources.
UK Biodiversity Action Plan: Lowland Raised Bog
Joint Nature Conservation Committee
Lowland raised bogs are peatland ecosystems which develop primarily where drainage may be impeded; waterlogging provides anaerobic conditions which leads to an accumulation of peat, (elevating) the bog surface to form a gently-curving dome.
Soil Health: First Report of Session 2016-17
Environmental Audit Committee
Soil is crucial to society. Neglecting soil health could have dire consequences for food security, climate change & public health.
Securing UK Soil Health
Parliamentary Office of Science & Tech.
In England & Wales, soil degradation costs c.£1bn/year. This brief outlines evidence for measures that sustain soils & existing policies affecting soil health.
Rules for Farmers and Land Managers to Prevent Water Pollution
We need a combination of different actions to tackle agricultural diffuse pollution of water effectively.
Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act
Welsh Government
The ambition, permission and legal obligation to improve our social, cultural, environmental and economic well-being.
Protecting & Improving Natural Capital for Prosperity & Wellbeing
Natural Capital Committee
How to ensure England’s ‘natural wealth’ is managed efficiently and sustainably.
UK National Ecosystem Assessment
The natural world is critically important to wellbeing & economic prosperity, but consistently undervalued in economic analyses & decision making.
Natural Environment White Paper: Implementation update report
A healthy natural environment is the foundation of sustained economic growth, prospering communities and personal wellbeing.
Scottish Biodiversity Strategy
Scottish Government
The Scottish biodiversity strategy is made up of two documents: a strategy for conserving biodiversity in Scotland up to 2030 and a plan to achieve the desired outcomes of the European Biodiversity Strategy for 2020 and the UN Aichi targets.
Safeguarding our Soils: A Strategy for England
Along with air and water, soil is one of the building blocks of life. Yet it is so much a part of everyday life that there’s a danger of taking it for granted.
The Water Environment (Controlled Activities) (Scotland) Regulations
Scottish Government
These regulations seek to tackle diffuse agricultural pollution and were created to comply with the Water Framework Directive.
The Natural Choice: Securing the value of nature
Nature is sometimes taken for granted and undervalued. But people cannot flourish without the benefits & services our natural environment provides.
Soil Strategy for England - Supporting Evidence Paper
Along with air and water, soil is one of the building blocks of life. Yet it is so much a part of everyday life that there’s a danger of taking it for granted.
Scottish Soil Framework
Scottish Government
This framework is aimed at government policy leads, delivery partners, environmental and business NGOs, research organisations and other key stakeholders with an interest.
POSTnote: UK Soil Degradation
Parliamentary Office of Science & Tech.
The nature and extent of soil degradation in the UK, and the challenges and opportunities for soils in a changing climate.
The Environment (Northern Ireland) Order
UK Parliament
The main aim of the Order is to make provision for a variety of environmental issues, with specific regard to pollution prevention and control, air quality and areas of special scientific interest (ASSI).